Thursday, July 5, 2012

Death and Destruction

I came across an interesting post (the usual link to a link sort of thing) talking about white males and our lack of consciousness about being members of the group labelled "white males".  He makes some very good points and I want to follow up on what he said.  Historically, white males as a group have shown a terrifying ability to deliver death and destruction in wholesale quantities.  I'm not talking just about violence or killing, I'm talking about the scale that white males have been able to achieve.  Lots of examples in the post I linked to and lots more throughout history.  I had never thought of it that way until I read the post. 

It's really quite terrifying.  One of the next steps could be to glass over significant parts of the globe.  I really don't want to see that happen, I grew up during the Cold War.

What can people do?  Simple, quit beating up on white males for being white males, that's already starting to make us conscious of belonging to that group.  If we give up our egalitarian beliefs and start deliberately favoring others of our group, bad things could happen again.  And I'm talking about truly horrendous things that I don't want to ever see happen again.

I suppose this does sound racist, except that modern beliefs say people can't be racist against whites.  As a culture we've managed to create a bunch of victims based solely on various group memberships, please don't get whites thinking that they are victims, the backlash could be very bad.

Personally, I work very hard at being a pacifist, so I'm not one of the folks to worry about.  It's the others who are willing to use violence and wanting to use violence I worry about.  I would like to figure out a way to reduce the tensions I see building, but as long as folks, particularly liberals, keep poking white males with metaphorical sharp sticks, I don't think it's going to get any better.

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