Tuesday, May 15, 2012

We must hang together....

...or we will surely hang apart.

It's always been one of my favourite quotes and I think it is is very applicable in today's world.  We have been very effectively manipulated into destroying our communities and so we are hanging alone.  At the same time, other groups have effectively organised to destroy folks like me.  It's frustrating.

Yeah, this is nothing new, so why am I writing about it now?  Well, John Scalzi wrote a blog post today at whatever.scalzi.com likening being a straight white male to playing the video game of life on the simplest setting.  Yeah, he's deluded, and it's not surprising.  He's an award winning science fiction author with a wife and daughter living in semi-rural Ohio.  I've read his work and he is a very talented wordsmith.  I have also read his blog for a while now and it has, at least to me, some very interesting on how he got to where he is today.  He was lucky enough to find the one woman in 10,000 who would actually call a guy who gave her his card.  This was roughly 20 years ago, before the mating game had reached it's current level of insanity.  For a greater insight into his character, look up the video of him on Oprah.  Since then he has gone on to become a famous author with thousands of adoring fans who show up to see him at conventions.  He's also well socialised and does a very good job of interacting with the public, unlike some authors I have known (rest in peace Jack, my friend).  Not surprising, he is also a flaming liberal and it keeps getting reinforced by the environment he lives and works in.

What's my point in all of this?  Well, I'm speaking out against the liberal narrative that brands people like me as evil.  I'm tired of being told that I have such a great life because I'm a straight white male.  No, I have an adequate life because I have an IQ of 145 and I've been working hard for most of my life.  I've never married because I was stupid and actually believed what I was taught growing up, I didn't discover the "Red Pill" until the last few years.

So, stand up for yourself and, more importantly, your fellow man.  Humans came out on the top of the evolutionary game by their ability to work in teams, teams larger than any other creatures out there.  We need to reclaim this ability.

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